小镇做题家 - TypeScript 类型大挑战(困难篇 - 上)


Hard 组(上)


Simple Vue

Implement a simpiled version of a Vue-like typing support.

By providing a function name SimpleVue (similar to Vue.extend or defineComponent), it should properly infer the this type inside computed and methods.

In this challenge, we assume that SimpleVue take an Object with data, computed and methods fields as it’s only argument,

  • data is a simple function that returns an object that exposes the context this, but you won’t be accessible to other computed values or methods.
  • computed is an Object of functions that take the context as this, doing some calculation and returns the result. The computed results should be exposed to the context as the plain return values instead of functions.
  • methods is an Object of functions that take the context as this as well. Methods can access the fields exposed by data, computed as well as other methods. The different between computed is that methods exposed as functions as-is.

The type of SimpleVue’s return value can be arbitrary.

declare function SimpleVue(options: any): any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' SimpleVue({ data() { // @ts-expect-error this.firstname // @ts-expect-error this.getRandom() // @ts-expect-error this.data() return { firstname: 'Type', lastname: 'Challenges', amount: 10, } }, computed: { fullname() { return `${this.firstname} ${this.lastname}` }, }, methods: { getRandom() { return Math.random() }, hi() { alert(this.amount) alert(this.fullname.toLowerCase()) alert(this.getRandom()) }, test() { const fullname = this.fullname const cases: [Expect<Equal<typeof fullname, string>>] = [] as any }, }, })

这道题考验的是 ThisType 的应用:

type OptionsType<Data, Computed, Methods> = { data?: () => Data; computed?: Computed & ThisType<Data & { [P in keyof Computed]: Computed[P] extends (...args: any) => infer R ? R : never }>; methods?: Methods & ThisType<Data & { [P in keyof Computed]: Computed[P] extends (...args: any) => infer R ? R : never } & Methods>; } declare function SimpleVue<Data, Computed, Methods>(options: OptionsType<Data, Computed, Methods>): any


TypeScript 4.0 is recommended in this challenge

Currying is the technique of converting a function that takes multiple arguments into a sequence of functions that each take a single argument.

declare function Currying(fn: any): any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' const curried1 = Currying((a: string, b: number, c: boolean) => true) const curried2 = Currying((a: string, b: number, c: boolean, d: boolean, e: boolean, f: string, g: boolean) => true) type cases = [ Expect<Equal< typeof curried1, (a: string) => (b: number) => (c: boolean) => true >>, Expect<Equal< typeof curried2, (a: string) => (b: number) => (c: boolean) => (d: boolean) => (e: boolean) => (f: string) => (g: boolean) => true >>, ]


declare function Currying<T>(fn: T): T extends (...args: any) => infer Return ? () => Return : never

并且,可以看到,最后一个函数的参数是我们给 Currying() 传入的回调函数中的最后一个参数:

declare function Last<T>(fn: T): T extends (...args: [...infer R, infer L]) => infer Return ? (arg: L) => Return : never const a = Last((a: number, b: string) => true) // (arg: string) => true


type GetLast<ArgsArry, T extends (arg: any) => any> = ArgsArry extends [...infer R, infer L] ? GetLast<R, (arg: L) => T> : T


type CurryingReturnType<D, T extends (arg: any) => any> = D extends [...infer R, infer L] ? CurryingReturnType<R, (arg: L) => T> : T declare function Currying<T>(fn: T): T extends (...args: [...infer R, infer L]) => infer Return ? CurryingReturnType<R, (arg: L) => Return> : never

Union to Intersection

Implement the advanced util type UnionToIntersection<U>

type UnionToIntersection<U> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<UnionToIntersection<'foo' | 42 | true>, 'foo' & 42 & true>>, Expect<Equal<UnionToIntersection<(() => 'foo') | ((i: 42) => true)>, (() => 'foo') & ((i: 42) => true)>>, ]

这一题,我们需要利用到以下的知识点,来源于 https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/pull/21496

// Conditional types can be nested to form a sequence of pattern matches that are evaluated in order: type Unpacked<T> = T extends (infer U)[] ? U : T extends (...args: any[]) => infer U ? U : T extends Promise<infer U> ? U : T; type T0 = Unpacked<string>; // string type T1 = Unpacked<string[]>; // string type T2 = Unpacked<() => string>; // string type T3 = Unpacked<Promise<string>>; // string type T4 = Unpacked<Promise<string>[]>; // Promise<string> type T5 = Unpacked<Unpacked<Promise<string>[]>>; // string // Note that is not possible for a conditional type to recursively reference itself, as might be desired in the Unpacked<T> case above. We're still considering ways in which to implement this. // The following example demonstrates how multiple candidates for the same type variable in co-variant positions causes a union type to be inferred: type Foo<T> = T extends { a: infer U, b: infer U } ? U : never; type T10 = Foo<{ a: string, b: string }>; // string type T11 = Foo<{ a: string, b: number }>; // string | number // Likewise, multiple candidates for the same type variable in contra-variant positions causes an intersection type to be inferred: type Bar<T> = T extends { a: (x: infer U) => void, b: (x: infer U) => void } ? U : never; type T20 = Bar<{ a: (x: string) => void, b: (x: string) => void }>; // string type T21 = Bar<{ a: (x: string) => void, b: (x: number) => void }>; // string & number


type ToFunc<T> = T extends any ? (arg: T) => void : never type F = ToFunc<'foo' | 42 | true> // F = (arg: 'foo') => void | (arg: 42) => void | (arg: true) => void


type UnionToIntersection<U> = ToFunc<U> extends (arg: infer Arg) => void ? Arg : never

Get Required

Implement the advanced util type GetRequired<T>, which remains all the required fields

type GetRequired<T> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<GetRequired<{ foo: number; bar?: string }>, { foo: number }>>, Expect<Equal<GetRequired<{ foo: undefined; bar?: undefined }>, { foo: undefined }>>, ]


type A = { foo: number; bar?: string } type AE = Expect<Equal<A, Required<A>>> // false type B = { foo: number; bar: string } type BE = Expect<Equal<B, Required<B>>> // true type C = { foo: number } type CE = Expect<Equal<C, Required<C>>> // true type D = { bar?: string } type DE = Expect<Equal<D, Required<D>>> // false

也就是说,当 T 中所有键都是必需的键时,才会和通过 Required<T> 包装后的对象相等,所以我们可以用这个方式来逐一排除掉非必需的键:

type GetRequired<T> = { [P in keyof T as { [K in P]: T[K] } extends Required<{ [K in P]: T[K] }> ? P : never]: T[P] }

Get Optional

Implement the advanced util type GetOptional<T>, which remains all the optional fields

type GetOptional<T> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<GetOptional<{ foo: number; bar?: string }>, { bar?: string }>>, Expect<Equal<GetOptional<{ foo: undefined; bar?: undefined }>, { bar?: undefined }>>, ]

这题的取值和 [Get Required](#Get Required) 反过来即可:

type GetOptional<T> = { [P in keyof T as { [K in P]: T[K] } extends Required<{ [K in P]: T[K] }> ? never : P]: T[P] }

Required Keys

Implement the advanced util type RequiredKeys<T>, which picks all the required keys into a union.

type RequiredKeys<T> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<RequiredKeys<{ a: number; b?: string }>, 'a'>>, Expect<Equal<RequiredKeys<{ a: undefined; b?: undefined }>, 'a'>>, Expect<Equal<RequiredKeys<{ a: undefined; b?: undefined; c: string; d: null }>, 'a' | 'c' | 'd'>>, Expect<Equal<RequiredKeys<{}>, never>>, ]

这个解题只需要在 [Get Required](#Get Required) 的返回值前面加上 keyof 即可:

type RequiredKeys<T> = keyof { [P in keyof T as Omit<T, P> extends T ? never : P]: T[P] }

Optional Keys

Implement the advanced util type OptionalKeys<T>, which picks all the optional keys into a union.

type OptionalKeys<T> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<OptionalKeys<{ a: number; b?: string }>, 'b'>>, Expect<Equal<OptionalKeys<{ a: undefined; b?: undefined }>, 'b'>>, Expect<Equal<OptionalKeys<{ a: undefined; b?: undefined; c?: string; d?: null }>, 'b' | 'c' | 'd'>>, Expect<Equal<OptionalKeys<{}>, never>>, ]

keyof [Get Optional](#Get Optional) 即可:

type OptionalKeys<T> = keyof { [P in keyof T as Omit<T, P> extends T ? P : never]: T[P] }

Capitalize Words

Implement CapitalizeWords<T> which converts the first letter of each word of a string to uppercase and leaves the rest as-is.

type CapitalizeWords<S extends string> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<CapitalizeWords<'foobar'>, 'Foobar'>>, Expect<Equal<CapitalizeWords<'FOOBAR'>, 'FOOBAR'>>, Expect<Equal<CapitalizeWords<'foo bar'>, 'Foo Bar'>>, Expect<Equal<CapitalizeWords<'foo bar hello world'>, 'Foo Bar Hello World'>>, Expect<Equal<CapitalizeWords<'foo bar.hello,world'>, 'Foo Bar.Hello,World'>>, Expect<Equal<CapitalizeWords<'aa!bb@cc#dd$ee%ff^gg&hh*ii(jj)kk_ll+mm{nn}oo|pp.qq'>, 'Aa!Bb@Cc#Dd$Ee%Ff^Gg&Hh*Ii(Jj)Kk_Ll+Mm{Nn}Oo|Pp.Qq'>>, Expect<Equal<CapitalizeWords<''>, ''>>, ]


type Alphabet = 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' | 'F' | 'G' | 'H' | 'I' | 'J' | 'K' | 'L' | 'M' | 'N' | 'O' | 'P' | 'Q' | 'R' | 'S' | 'T' | 'U' | 'V' | 'W' | 'X' | 'Y' | 'Z' type CapitalizeWords< S extends string, Prev extends string = '', Result extends string = '' > = S extends `${infer F}${infer R}` ? Uppercase<Prev> extends Alphabet ? CapitalizeWords<R, F, `${Result}${F}`> : CapitalizeWords<R, F, `${Result}${Uppercase<F>}`> : Result // type True = Expect<Equal<Lowercase<'.'> extends Uppercase<'.'> ? true : false, true>> // type False = Expect<Equal<Lowercase<'a'> extends Uppercase<'A'> ? true : false, false>>


Implement CamelCase<T> which converts snake_case string to camelCase.

type CamelCase<S extends string> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<CamelCase<'foobar'>, 'foobar'>>, Expect<Equal<CamelCase<'FOOBAR'>, 'foobar'>>, Expect<Equal<CamelCase<'foo_bar'>, 'fooBar'>>, Expect<Equal<CamelCase<'foo_bar_hello_world'>, 'fooBarHelloWorld'>>, Expect<Equal<CamelCase<'HELLO_WORLD_WITH_TYPES'>, 'helloWorldWithTypes'>>, Expect<Equal<CamelCase<'-'>, '-'>>, Expect<Equal<CamelCase<''>, ''>>, Expect<Equal<CamelCase<'.'>, '.'>>, ]


type NoAphabet<T> = T extends `${infer F}${infer R}` ? Lowercase<F> extends Uppercase<F> ? NoAphabet<R> : false : true type ToCamelCase< S extends string, Bool extends boolean = false, Result extends string = '' > = S extends `${infer F}${infer R}` ? Lowercase<F> extends Uppercase<F> ? ToCamelCase<R, true, Result> : Bool extends true ? ToCamelCase<R, false, `${Result}${Uppercase<F>}`> : ToCamelCase<R, false, `${Result}${Lowercase<F>}`> : Result type CamelCase< S extends string > = NoAphabet<S> extends true ? S : ToCamelCase<S>

利用工具类解题法,Uncapitalize 把首字母变成小写,Capitalize 把首字母变成大写:

type CamelCase<S extends string, Result extends string = '', IsFirst extends boolean = true> = S extends `${infer F}${infer R}` ? IsFirst extends true ? CamelCase<Uncapitalize<S>, Result, false> : F extends '_' ? CamelCase<Capitalize<R>, Result, false> : CamelCase<Uncapitalize<R>, `${Result}${F}`, false> : Result

C-printf Parser

There is a function in C language: printf. This function allows us to print something with formatting. Like this:

printf("The result is %d.", 42);

This challenge requires you to parse the input string and extract the format placeholders like %d and %f. For example, if the input string is "The result is %d.", the parsed result is a tuple ['dec'].

Here is the mapping:

type ControlsMap = { c: 'char', s: 'string', d: 'dec', o: 'oct', h: 'hex', f: 'float', p: 'pointer', }
type ControlsMap = { c: 'char' s: 'string' d: 'dec' o: 'oct' h: 'hex' f: 'float' p: 'pointer' } type ParsePrintFormat = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<ParsePrintFormat<''>, []>>, Expect<Equal<ParsePrintFormat<'Any string.'>, []>>, Expect<Equal<ParsePrintFormat<'The result is %d.'>, ['dec']>>, Expect<Equal<ParsePrintFormat<'The result is %%d.'>, []>>, Expect<Equal<ParsePrintFormat<'The result is %%%d.'>, ['dec']>>, Expect<Equal<ParsePrintFormat<'The result is %f.'>, ['float']>>, Expect<Equal<ParsePrintFormat<'The result is %h.'>, ['hex']>>, Expect<Equal<ParsePrintFormat<'The result is %q.'>, []>>, Expect<Equal<ParsePrintFormat<'Hello %s: score is %d.'>, ['string', 'dec']>>, Expect<Equal<ParsePrintFormat<'The result is %'>, []>>, ]

这题还是比较简单的,只需要逐个对比,遇到 % 时就记录起来即可:

type ParsePrintFormat<S extends string, Result extends string[] = [], Prev = ''> = S extends `${infer F}${infer R}` ? Prev extends '%' ? F extends keyof ControlsMap ? ParsePrintFormat<R, [...Result, ControlsMap[F]], ''> : ParsePrintFormat<R, Result, ''> : F extends '%' ? ParsePrintFormat<R, Result, F> : ParsePrintFormat<R, Result, ''> : Result

Vue Basic Props

This challenge continues from [Simple Vue](#Simple Vue), you should finish that one first, and modify your code based on it to start this challenge.

In addition to the Simple Vue, we are now having a new props field in the options. This is a simplified version of Vue’s props option. Here are some of the rules.

props is an object containing each field as the key of the real props injected into this. The injected props will be accessible in all the context including data, computed, and methods.

A prop will be defined either by a constructor or an object with a type field containing constructor(s).

declare function VueBasicProps (options: any) : any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Debug, Equal, Expect, IsAny } from '@type-challenges/utils' class ClassA {} VueBasicProps({ props: { propA: {}, propB: { type: String }, propC: { type: Boolean }, propD: { type: ClassA }, propE: { type: [String, Number] }, propF: RegExp, }, data(this) { type PropsType = Debug<typeof this> type cases = [ Expect<IsAny<PropsType['propA']>>, Expect<Equal<PropsType['propB'], string>>, Expect<Equal<PropsType['propC'], boolean>>, Expect<Equal<PropsType['propD'], ClassA>>, Expect<Equal<PropsType['propE'], string | number>>, Expect<Equal<PropsType['propF'], RegExp>>, ] // @ts-expect-error this.firstname // @ts-expect-error this.getRandom() // @ts-expect-error this.data() return { firstname: 'Type', lastname: 'Challenges', amount: 10, } }, computed: { fullname() { return `${this.firstname} ${this.lastname}` }, }, methods: { getRandom() { return Math.random() }, hi() { alert(this.fullname.toLowerCase()) alert(this.getRandom()) }, test() { const fullname = this.fullname const propE = this.propE type cases = [ Expect<Equal<typeof fullname, string>>, Expect<Equal<typeof propE, string | number>>, ] }, }, })

首先我们把 Simple Vue 中的实现代码复制过来:

type OptionsType<Data, Computed, Methods> = { data?: () => Data; computed?: Computed & ThisType<Data & { [P in keyof Computed]: Computed[P] extends (...args: any) => infer R ? R : never }>; methods?: Methods & ThisType<Data & { [P in keyof Computed]: Computed[P] extends (...args: any) => infer R ? R : never } & Methods>; } declare function VueBasicProps<Data, Computed, Methods>(options: OptionsType<Data, Computed, Methods>): any

然后需要处理 Props:

class A {} const props = { // {} propA: {}, // { type: StringContructor } propB: { type: String }, // { type: BooleanConstructor } propC: { type: Boolean }, // { type: ClassA } propD: { type: ClassA }, // { type: (StringConstructor | NumberConstructor)[] } propE: { type: [String, Number] }, // RegExpConstructor propF: RegExp, }

也就是说 Props 中的值有以下几种情况:

type Constructor = new (...args: any) => any type PropsValue = Constructor | { type?: Constructor | Constructor[] } type OptionsType<Props extends Record<string, PropsValue>, Data, Computed, Methods> = { props?: Props; ... }


type ConstructorMap<T> = T extends undefined ? any : T extends StringConstructor ? string : T extends NumberConstructor ? number : T extends RegExpConstructor ? RegExp : T extends BooleanConstructor ? boolean : T extends Constructor[] ? ConstructorMap<T[number]> : T extends { prototype: infer P } ? P : any

然后再创建一个类型用于获取 Props 对象:

type PropsContext<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends { type: infer R } ? ConstructorMap<R> : ConstructorMap<T[K]> }

最后,把 PropsContext 加入到指定位置即可:

type Constructor = new (...args: any) => any type PropsValue = Constructor | { type?: Constructor | Constructor[] } type ConstructorMap<T> = T extends undefined ? any : T extends StringConstructor ? string : T extends NumberConstructor ? number : T extends RegExpConstructor ? RegExp : T extends BooleanConstructor ? boolean : T extends Constructor[] ? ConstructorMap<T[number]> : T extends { prototype: infer P } ? P : any type PropsContext<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends { type: infer R } ? ConstructorMap<R> : ConstructorMap<T[K]> } type OptionsType<Props extends Record<string, PropsValue>, Data, Computed, Methods> = { props?: Props, data?: (this: PropsContext<Props>) => Data; computed?: Computed & ThisType<Data & { [P in keyof Computed]: Computed[P] extends (...args: any) => infer R ? R : never } & PropsContext<Props>>; methods?: Methods & ThisType<PropsContext<Props> & Data & { [P in keyof Computed]: Computed[P] extends (...args: any) => infer R ? R : never } & Methods>; } declare function VueBasicProps<Props extends Record<string, PropsValue>, Data, Computed, Methods>(options: OptionsType<Props, Data, Computed, Methods>): any


Sometimes it’s useful to detect if you have a value with any type. This is especially helpful while working with third-party Typescript modules, which can export any values in the module API. It’s also good to know about any when you’re suppressing implicitAny checks.

So, let’s write a utility type IsAny<T>, which takes input type T. If T is any, return true, otherwise, return false.

type IsAny<T> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<IsAny<any>, true>>, Expect<Equal<IsAny<undefined>, false>>, Expect<Equal<IsAny<unknown>, false>>, Expect<Equal<IsAny<never>, false>>, Expect<Equal<IsAny<string>, false>>, ]

其实这个类型在 @type-challenges/utils 中就有。

type IsAny<T> = (<A>() => A extends T ? 1 : 2) extends (<A>() => A extends any ? 1 : 2) ? true : false type IsAny2<T> = Equal<T, any>

Typed Get

The get function in lodash is a quite convenient helper for accessing nested values in JavaScript. However, when we come to TypeScript, using functions like this will make you lose the type information. With TS 4.1’s upcoming Template Literal Types feature, properly typing get becomes possible. Can you implement it?

type Get<T, K> = string /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<Get<Data, 'hello'>, 'world'>>, Expect<Equal<Get<Data, 'foo.bar.count'>, 6>>, Expect<Equal<Get<Data, 'foo.bar'>, { value: 'foobar'; count: 6 }>>, Expect<Equal<Get<Data, 'no.existed'>, never>>, ] type Data = { foo: { bar: { value: 'foobar' count: 6 } included: true } hello: 'world' }


type Get<T, K extends string> = K extends `${infer Key}.${infer R}` ? Key extends keyof T ? Get<T[Key], R> : never : K extends keyof T ? T[K] : never

String to Number

Convert a string literal to a number, which behaves like Number.parseInt.

type ToNumber<S extends string> = string /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<ToNumber<'0'>, 0>>, Expect<Equal<ToNumber<'5'>, 5>>, Expect<Equal<ToNumber<'12'>, 12>>, Expect<Equal<ToNumber<'27'>, 27>>, Expect<Equal<ToNumber<'18@7_$%'>, never>>, ]


type NumberMap = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] type GetResult<S extends string, Result extends number[] = []> = S extends `${infer F}${infer R}` ? F extends keyof NumberMap ? GetResult<R, [...Result, NumberMap[F] & number]> : never : Result

如果字符串里面出现了无法匹配数字的字符,那么就是 never。

type E = [ Expect<Equal<GetResult<'12'>, [1, 2]>>, Expect<Equal<GetResult<'0'>, [0]>>, Expect<Equal<GetResult<'123@abc'>, never>> ]

然后将得到的数组递归操作再次生成另外一个数组,最后获取它的 Length:

type NumberToTuple<N extends number, Result extends 0[] = []> = Result['length'] extends N ? Result : NumberToTuple<N, [...Result, 0]> type GetTenTimes<T extends any[] = []> = [ ...T, ...T, ...T, ...T, ...T, ...T, ...T, ...T, ...T, ...T ] type GetLength<T extends number[], Result extends unknown[] = []> = T extends [infer F extends number, ...infer R extends number[]] ? GetLength<R, [...GetTenTimes<Result>, ...NumberToTuple<F>]> : Result['length']


type NumberMap = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] type GetResult<S extends string, Result extends number[] = []> = S extends `${infer F}${infer R}` ? F extends keyof NumberMap ? GetResult<R, [...Result, NumberMap[F] & number]> : never : Result type NumberToTuple<N extends number, Result extends 0[] = []> = Result['length'] extends N ? Result : NumberToTuple<N, [...Result, 0]> type GetTenTimes<T extends any[] = []> = [ ...T, ...T, ...T, ...T, ...T, ...T, ...T, ...T, ...T, ...T ] type GetLength<T extends number[], Result extends unknown[] = []> = T extends [infer F extends number, ...infer R extends number[]] ? GetLength<R, [...GetTenTimes<Result>, ...NumberToTuple<F>]> : Result['length'] type ToNumber<S extends string, R extends number[] = GetResult<S>> = [R] extends [never] ? never : GetLength<R>


type ToNumber<S extends string> = S extends `${infer N extends number}` ? N : never;

Tuple Filter

Implement a type FilterOut<T, F> that filters out items of the given type F from the tuple T.

type FilterOut<T extends any[], F> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<FilterOut<[], never>, []>>, Expect<Equal<FilterOut<[never], never>, []>>, Expect<Equal<FilterOut<['a', never], never>, ['a']>>, Expect<Equal<FilterOut<[1, never, 'a'], never>, [1, 'a']>>, Expect<Equal<FilterOut<[never, 1, 'a', undefined, false, null], never | null | undefined>, [1, 'a', false]>>, Expect<Equal<FilterOut<[number | null | undefined, never], never | null | undefined>, [number | null | undefined]>>, ]


type FilterOut<T extends any[], F, Result extends any[] = []> = T extends [infer J, ...infer R] ? Equal<J, F> extends true ? FilterOut<R, F, Result> : [J] extends [F] ? FilterOut<R, F, Result> : FilterOut<R, F, [...Result, J]> : Result

Tuple to Enum Object

The enum is an original syntax of TypeScript (it does not exist in JavaScript). So it is converted to like the following form as a result of transpilation:

let OperatingSystem; (function (OperatingSystem) { OperatingSystem[OperatingSystem["MacOS"] = 0] = "MacOS"; OperatingSystem[OperatingSystem["Windows"] = 1] = "Windows"; OperatingSystem[OperatingSystem["Linux"] = 2] = "Linux"; })(OperatingSystem || (OperatingSystem = {}));

In this question, the type should convert a given string tuple to an object that behaves like an enum.
Moreover, the property of an enum is preferably a pascal case.

Enum<["macOS", "Windows", "Linux"]> // -> { readonly MacOS: "macOS", readonly Windows: "Windows", readonly Linux: "Linux" }

If true is given in the second argument, the value should be a number literal.

Enum<["macOS", "Windows", "Linux"], true> // -> { readonly MacOS: 0, readonly Windows: 1, readonly Linux: 2 }
type Enum<T extends readonly string[], N extends boolean = false> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' const OperatingSystem = ['macOS', 'Windows', 'Linux'] as const const Command = ['echo', 'grep', 'sed', 'awk', 'cut', 'uniq', 'head', 'tail', 'xargs', 'shift'] as const type cases = [ Expect<Equal<Enum<[]>, {}>>, Expect<Equal< Enum<typeof OperatingSystem>, { readonly MacOS: 'macOS' readonly Windows: 'Windows' readonly Linux: 'Linux' } >>, Expect<Equal< Enum<typeof OperatingSystem, true>, { readonly MacOS: 0 readonly Windows: 1 readonly Linux: 2 } >>, Expect<Equal< Enum<typeof Command>, { readonly Echo: 'echo' readonly Grep: 'grep' readonly Sed: 'sed' readonly Awk: 'awk' readonly Cut: 'cut' readonly Uniq: 'uniq' readonly Head: 'head' readonly Tail: 'tail' readonly Xargs: 'xargs' readonly Shift: 'shift' } >>, Expect<Equal< Enum<typeof Command, true>, { readonly Echo: 0 readonly Grep: 1 readonly Sed: 2 readonly Awk: 3 readonly Cut: 4 readonly Uniq: 5 readonly Head: 6 readonly Tail: 7 readonly Xargs: 8 readonly Shift: 9 } >>, ]

这题也是比较容易处理的,只需要根据不同的 N 来决定是使用数组中的值或是索引即可:

type PlusOne<N extends number, Result extends 0[] = []> = Result['length'] extends N ? [...Result, 0]['length'] : PlusOne<N, [...Result, 0]> type Enum< T extends readonly string[], N extends boolean = false, Result extends Record<string, any> = {}, Index extends number = 0 > = T extends readonly [infer F extends string, ...infer R extends readonly string[]] ? Enum< R, N, { readonly [K in F | keyof Result as K extends string ? Capitalize<K> : never]: K extends keyof Result ? Result[K] : K extends string ? N extends false ? `${K}` : Index : never }, PlusOne<Index> > : Result


Implement Format<T extends string> generic.

type Format<T extends string> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<Format<'abc'>, string>>, Expect<Equal<Format<'a%sbc'>, (s1: string) => string>>, Expect<Equal<Format<'a%dbc'>, (d1: number) => string>>, Expect<Equal<Format<'a%%dbc'>, string>>, Expect<Equal<Format<'a%%%dbc'>, (d1: number) => string>>, Expect<Equal<Format<'a%dbc%s'>, (d1: number) => (s1: string) => string>>, ]

这和之前做的 [C-printf Parser](#C-printf Parser) 类似:

type M = { d: number; s: string; } type Format<T extends string, Prev extends string = ''> = T extends `${infer F}${infer R}` ? Prev extends '%' ? F extends '%' ? Format<R, ''> : F extends keyof M ? (arg: M[F]) => Format<R, ''> : Format<R, F> : Format<R, F> : string

Deep object to unique

TypeScript has structural type system, but sometimes you want a function to accept only some previously well-defined unique objects (as in the nominal type system), and not any objects that have the required fields.

Create a type that takes an object and makes it and all deeply nested objects in it unique, while preserving the string and numeric keys of all objects, and the values of all properties on these keys.

The original type and the resulting unique type must be mutually assignable, but not identical.

type DeepObjectToUniq<O extends object> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, IsFalse, IsTrue } from '@type-challenges/utils' type Quz = { quz: 4 } type Foo = { foo: 2; baz: Quz; bar: Quz } type Bar = { foo: 2; baz: Quz; bar: Quz & { quzz?: 0 } } type UniqQuz = DeepObjectToUniq<Quz> type UniqFoo = DeepObjectToUniq<Foo> type UniqBar = DeepObjectToUniq<Bar> declare let foo: Foo declare let uniqFoo: UniqFoo uniqFoo = foo foo = uniqFoo type cases = [ IsFalse<Equal<UniqQuz, Quz>>, IsFalse<Equal<UniqFoo, Foo>>, IsTrue<Equal<UniqFoo['foo'], Foo['foo']>>, IsTrue<Equal<UniqFoo['bar']['quz'], Foo['bar']['quz']>>, IsFalse<Equal<UniqQuz, UniqFoo['baz']>>, IsFalse<Equal<UniqFoo['bar'], UniqFoo['baz']>>, IsFalse<Equal<UniqBar['baz'], UniqFoo['baz']>>, IsTrue<Equal<keyof UniqBar['baz'], keyof UniqFoo['baz']>>, IsTrue<Equal<keyof Foo, keyof UniqFoo & string>>, ]


type DeepObjectToUniq<O extends object, U extends readonly any[] = [O]> = { [K in keyof O]: O[K] extends object ? DeepObjectToUniq<O[K], [...U, K]> : O[K] } & { [K in symbol]: U }

在对象中,它可以有 Symbol 属性,值可以为任意值:

const a: { foo: 1 } = { foo: 1, [Symbol()]: '' // 任意值都可以 }

那么如何在嵌套的对象里面保证所有的对象都具有唯一性呢,在解题中的做法是把原对象和当前 Key 组成的数组作为值。如果我们单纯地使用当前 Key 作为值是不行的,因为它们的值可能不一样。

Length of String

Implement a type LengthOfString<S> that calculates the length of the template string (as in 298 - Length of String):

type LengthOfString<S extends string> = number /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, IsTrue } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<''>, 0>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'1'>, 1>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'12'>, 2>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'123'>, 3>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'1234'>, 4>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'12345'>, 5>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'123456'>, 6>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'1234567'>, 7>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'12345678'>, 8>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'123456789'>, 9>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'1234567890'>, 10>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'12345678901'>, 11>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'123456789012'>, 12>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'1234567890123'>, 13>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'12345678901234'>, 14>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'123456789012345'>, 15>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'1234567890123456'>, 16>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'12345678901234567'>, 17>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'123456789012345678'>, 18>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'1234567890123456789'>, 19>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'12345678901234567890'>, 20>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'123456789012345678901'>, 21>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'1234567890123456789012'>, 22>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'12345678901234567890123'>, 23>>, IsTrue<Equal<LengthOfString<'aaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggggggggkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'>, 272>>, ]


type LengthOfString<S extends string, Result extends 0[] = []> = S extends `${infer F}${infer R}` ? LengthOfString<R, [...Result, 0]> : Result['length']

Union to Tuple

Implement a type, UnionToTuple, that converts a union to a tuple.

As we know, union is an unordered structure, but tuple is an ordered, which implies that we are not supposed to preassume any order will be preserved between terms of one union, when unions are created or transformed.

Hence in this challenge, any permutation of the elements in the output tuple is acceptable.

Your type should resolve to one of the following two types, but NOT a union of them!

UnionToTuple<1> // [1], and correct UnionToTuple<'any' | 'a'> // ['any','a'], and correct


UnionToTuple<'any' | 'a'> // ['a','any'], and correct

It shouldn’t be a union of all acceptable tuples…

UnionToTuple<'any' | 'a'> // ['a','any'] | ['any','a'], which is incorrect

And a union could collapes, which means some types could absorb (or be absorbed by) others and there is no way to prevent this absorption. See the following examples:

Equal<UnionToTuple<any | 'a'>, UnionToTuple<any>> // will always be a true Equal<UnionToTuple<unknown | 'a'>, UnionToTuple<unknown>> // will always be a true Equal<UnionToTuple<never | 'a'>, UnionToTuple<'a'>> // will always be a true Equal<UnionToTuple<'a' | 'a' | 'a'>, UnionToTuple<'a'>> // will always be a true
type UnionToTuple<T> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type ExtractValuesOfTuple<T extends any[]> = T[keyof T & number] type cases = [ Expect<Equal<UnionToTuple<'a' | 'b'>['length'], 2>>, Expect<Equal<ExtractValuesOfTuple<UnionToTuple<'a' | 'b'>>, 'a' | 'b'>>, Expect<Equal<ExtractValuesOfTuple<UnionToTuple<'a'>>, 'a'>>, Expect<Equal<ExtractValuesOfTuple<UnionToTuple<any>>, any>>, Expect<Equal<ExtractValuesOfTuple<UnionToTuple<undefined | void | 1>>, void | 1>>, Expect<Equal<ExtractValuesOfTuple<UnionToTuple<any | 1>>, any | 1>>, Expect<Equal<ExtractValuesOfTuple<UnionToTuple<any | 1>>, any>>, Expect<Equal<ExtractValuesOfTuple<UnionToTuple<'d' | 'f' | 1 | never>>, 'f' | 'd' | 1>>, Expect<Equal<ExtractValuesOfTuple<UnionToTuple<[{ a: 1 }] | 1>>, [{ a: 1 }] | 1>>, Expect<Equal<ExtractValuesOfTuple<UnionToTuple<never>>, never>>, Expect<Equal<ExtractValuesOfTuple<UnionToTuple<'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 1 | 2 | 'd' | 'e' | 'f' | 'g'>>, 'f' | 'e' | 1 | 2 | 'g' | 'c' | 'd' | 'a' | 'b'>>, ]



type A = 'a' & 1 type E1 = A extends 1 ? true : false // true type E2 = A extends 'a' ? true : false // true type B = ((arg: 'a') => void) & ((arg: 1) => void) type E3 = B extends (arg: 'a') => void ? true : false // true type E4 = B extends (arg: 1) => void ? true : false // true type C = B extends (arg: infer R) => void ? R : never // 1


首先要做的是转成交叉类型,这个我们之前在 [Union to Intersection](# Union to Intersection) 就已经实现了:

/** * UnionToFunc<1 | 2> => ((arg: 1) => void | (arg: 2) => void) */ type UnionToFunc<T> = T extends unknown ? (arg: T) => void : never /** * UnionToIntersection<1 | 2> = 1 & 2 */ type UnionToIntersection<U> = UnionToFunc<U> extends (arg: infer Arg) => void ? Arg : never


/** * LastInUnion<1 | 2> = 2 */ type LastInUnion<U> = UnionToIntersection<UnionToFunc<U>> extends (x: infer L) => void ? L : never


type UnionToTuple<T, L = LastInUnion<T>> = [L] extends [never] ? [] : [...UnionToTuple<Exclude<T, L>>, L]

String Join

Create a type-safe string join utility which can be used like so:

const hyphenJoiner = join('-') const result = hyphenJoiner('a', 'b', 'c'); // = 'a-b-c'

Or alternatively:

join('#')('a', 'b', 'c') // = 'a#b#c'

When we pass an empty delimiter (i.e ‘’) to join, we should concat the strings as they are, i.e:

join('')('a', 'b', 'c') // = 'abc'

When only one item is passed, we should get back the original item (without any delimiter added):

join('-')('a') // = 'a'
declare function join(delimiter: any): (...parts: any[]) => any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' // Edge cases const noCharsOutput = join('-')() const oneCharOutput = join('-')('a') const noDelimiterOutput = join('')('a', 'b', 'c') // Regular cases const hyphenOutput = join('-')('a', 'b', 'c') const hashOutput = join('#')('a', 'b', 'c') const twoCharOutput = join('-')('a', 'b') const longOutput = join('-')('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h') type cases = [ Expect<Equal<typeof noCharsOutput, ''>>, Expect<Equal<typeof oneCharOutput, 'a'>>, Expect<Equal<typeof noDelimiterOutput, 'abc'>>, Expect<Equal<typeof twoCharOutput, 'a-b'>>, Expect<Equal<typeof hyphenOutput, 'a-b-c'>>, Expect<Equal<typeof hashOutput, 'a#b#c'>>, Expect<Equal<typeof longOutput, 'a-b-c-d-e-f-g-h'>>, ]

首先,把 Join 里面的类型约束处理好:

declare function join<T extends string>(delimiter: T): <A extends string[] = []>(...parts: A) => JoinString<T, A>


type JoinString< A extends string[], T extends string, Result extends string = '' > = A extends [infer F extends string, ...infer R extends string[]] ? Result extends '' ? JoinString<R, T, F> : JoinString<R, T, `${Result}${T}${F}`> : Result