小镇做题家 - TypeScript 类型大挑战(地狱难度篇)




Get Readonly Keys

Implement a generic GetReadonlyKeys<T> that returns a union of the readonly keys of an Object.

type GetReadonlyKeys<T> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<'title', GetReadonlyKeys<Todo1>>>, Expect<Equal<'title' | 'description', GetReadonlyKeys<Todo2>>>, ] interface Todo1 { readonly title: string description: string completed: boolean } interface Todo2 { readonly title: string readonly description: string completed?: boolean }


type GetReadonlyKeys<T> = keyof { [P in keyof T as Equal<{ [K in P]: T[K] }, Readonly<{ [K in P]: T[K] }>> extends false ? never: P]: T[P] }

Query String Parser

You’re required to implement a type-level parser to parse URL query string into a object literal type.

Some detailed requirements:

  • Value of a key in query string can be ignored but still be parsed to true. For example, 'key' is without value, so the parser result is { key: true }.
  • Duplicated keys must be merged into one. If there are different values with the same key, values must be merged into a tuple type.
  • When a key has only one value, that value can’t be wrapped into a tuple type.
  • If values with the same key appear more than once, it must be treated as once. For example, key=value&key=value must be treated as key=value only.
type ParseQueryString = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<ParseQueryString<''>, {}>>, Expect<Equal<ParseQueryString<'k1'>, { k1: true }>>, Expect<Equal<ParseQueryString<'k1&k1'>, { k1: true }>>, Expect<Equal<ParseQueryString<'k1&k2'>, { k1: true; k2: true }>>, Expect<Equal<ParseQueryString<'k1=v1'>, { k1: 'v1' }>>, Expect<Equal<ParseQueryString<'k1=v1&k1=v2'>, { k1: ['v1', 'v2'] }>>, Expect<Equal<ParseQueryString<'k1=v1&k2=v2'>, { k1: 'v1'; k2: 'v2' }>>, Expect<Equal<ParseQueryString<'k1=v1&k2=v2&k1=v2'>, { k1: ['v1', 'v2']; k2: 'v2' }>>, Expect<Equal<ParseQueryString<'k1=v1&k2'>, { k1: 'v1'; k2: true }>>, Expect<Equal<ParseQueryString<'k1=v1&k1=v1'>, { k1: 'v1' }>>, ]

这题就是字符串分隔题,需要注意的是两个分隔符 & | =,还有就是默认值为 true:

type Format<T extends string> = T extends `${infer F}=${infer R}` ? { [K in F]: R } : { [K in T]: true } type SplitString<T extends string> = T extends `${infer F}&${infer R}` ? [Format<F>, ...SplitString<R>] : [Format<T>] type Merge<T extends Record<string, unknown>[], Result extends Record<string, unknown> = {}> = T extends [infer F extends Record<string, unknown>, ...infer R extends Record<string, unknown>[]] ? Merge<R, { [K in keyof Result | keyof F]: K extends keyof Result ? K extends keyof F ? Result[K] extends F[K] ? F[K] : [Result[K], F[K]] : Result[K] : K extends keyof F ? F[K] : never }> : Result type ParseQueryString<T extends string> = T extends '' ? {} : Merge<SplitString<T>>

这题我决定给自己加一个 case:

Expect<Equal<ParseQueryString<'k1=v1&k2=v2&k1=v2&k1=v3'>, { k1: ['v1', 'v2', 'v3']; k2: 'v2' }>>,


type Format<T extends string> = T extends `${infer F}=${infer R}` ? { [K in F]: R } : { [K in T]: true } type SplitString<T extends string> = T extends `${infer F}&${infer R}` ? [Format<F>, ...SplitString<R>] : [Format<T>] type Includes<T, D> = T extends [infer F, infer R] ? Equal<F, D> extends true ? true : Includes<R, D> : false type MergeValue<T, D extends string> = T extends string[] ? Includes<T, D> extends true ? T : [...T, D] : [T, D] type Merge<T extends Record<string, unknown>[], Result extends Record<string, unknown> = {}> = T extends [infer F extends Record<string, unknown>, ...infer R extends Record<string, unknown>[]] ? Merge<R, { [K in keyof Result | keyof F]: K extends keyof Result ? K extends keyof F ? Result[K] extends F[K] ? F[K] : MergeValue<Result[K], F[K] & string> : Result[K] : K extends keyof F ? F[K] : never }> : Result type ParseQueryString<T extends string> = T extends '' ? {} : Merge<SplitString<T>>


Implement the JavaScript Array.slice function in the type system. Slice<Arr, Start, End> takes the three argument. The output should be a subarray of Arr from index Start to End. Indexes with negative numbers should be counted from reversely.

type Slice<Arr, Start, End> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type Arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] type cases = [ // basic Expect<Equal<Slice<Arr, 0, 1>, [1]>>, Expect<Equal<Slice<Arr, 0, 0>, []>>, Expect<Equal<Slice<Arr, 2, 4>, [3, 4]>>, // optional args Expect<Equal<Slice<[]>, []>>, Expect<Equal<Slice<Arr>, Arr>>, Expect<Equal<Slice<Arr, 0>, Arr>>, Expect<Equal<Slice<Arr, 2>, [3, 4, 5]>>, // negative index Expect<Equal<Slice<Arr, 0, -1>, [1, 2, 3, 4]>>, Expect<Equal<Slice<Arr, -3, -1>, [3, 4]>>, // invalid Expect<Equal<Slice<Arr, 10>, []>>, Expect<Equal<Slice<Arr, 1, 0>, []>>, Expect<Equal<Slice<Arr, 10, 20>, []>>, ]

可以看到,cases 中出现了负值的索引,我们先把索引矫正:

type Index = ['+', number] | ['-', number] type FormatIndex<T extends number> = `${T}` extends `-${infer R extends number}` ? ['-', R] : ['+', T] type NumberToTuple<T extends number, Result extends 0[] = []> = Result['length'] extends T ? Result : NumberToTuple<T, [0, ...Result]> type MinusOne<T extends number, Result extends 0[] = NumberToTuple<T>> = Result extends [infer F, ...infer R] ? R['length'] : 0 type Minus<L extends number, M extends number> = L extends M ? 0 : M extends 0 ? L : Minus<MinusOne<L>, MinusOne<M>> /** * CorrectIndex<-1, 5> // 4 * CorrectIndex<1, 5> // 1 */ type CorrectIndex<T extends number, L extends number = 0, I extends Index = FormatIndex<T>> = I[0] extends '+' ? I[1] : Minus<L, I[1]>

然后我们还需要一个 GT 辅助类型来判断开始的长度是否大于源数组的长度:

type GT<T extends number, D extends number, E extends boolean = T extends D ? true : false> = E extends true ? false : T extends D ? true : T extends 0 ? false : GT<MinusOne<T>, D, false>


type Slice< Arr extends unknown[], Start extends number = 0, End extends number = Arr['length'], CorrectStart extends number = CorrectIndex<Start, Arr['length']>, CorrectEnd extends number = CorrectIndex<End, Arr['length']>, Result extends unknown[] = [] > = GT<CorrectStart, Arr['length']> extends true ? [] : CorrectEnd extends 0 ? Result : CorrectStart extends 0 ? Arr extends [infer F, ...infer R] ? Slice<R, never, never, MinusOne<CorrectStart>, MinusOne<CorrectEnd>, [...Result, F]> : Result : Arr extends [infer F, ...infer R] ? Slice<R, never, never, MinusOne<CorrectStart>, MinusOne<CorrectEnd>, Result> : never

Integers Comparator

Implement a type-level integers comparator. We’ve provided an enum for indicating the comparison result, like this:

  • If a is greater than b, type should be Comparison.Greater.

  • If a and b are equal, type should be Comparison.Equal.

  • If a is lower than b, type should be Comparison.Lower.

Note that a and b can be positive integers or negative integers or zero, even one is positive while another one is negative.

enum Comparison { Greater, Equal, Lower, } type Comparator<A extends number, B extends number> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<Comparator<5, 5>, Comparison.Equal>>, Expect<Equal<Comparator<5, 6>, Comparison.Lower>>, Expect<Equal<Comparator<5, 8>, Comparison.Lower>>, Expect<Equal<Comparator<5, 0>, Comparison.Greater>>, Expect<Equal<Comparator<-5, 0>, Comparison.Lower>>, Expect<Equal<Comparator<0, 0>, Comparison.Equal>>, Expect<Equal<Comparator<0, -5>, Comparison.Greater>>, Expect<Equal<Comparator<5, -3>, Comparison.Greater>>, Expect<Equal<Comparator<5, -7>, Comparison.Greater>>, Expect<Equal<Comparator<-5, -7>, Comparison.Greater>>, Expect<Equal<Comparator<-5, -3>, Comparison.Lower>>, Expect<Equal<Comparator<-25, -30>, Comparison.Greater>>, Expect<Equal<Comparator<15, -23>, Comparison.Greater>>, Expect<Equal<Comparator<40, 37>, Comparison.Greater>>, Expect<Equal<Comparator<-36, 36>, Comparison.Lower>>, Expect<Equal<Comparator<27, 27>, Comparison.Equal>>, Expect<Equal<Comparator<-38, -38>, Comparison.Equal>>, ]


enum Comparison { Greater, Equal, Lower, } type NumberToTuple<T extends number, Result extends 0[] = []> = Result['length'] extends T ? Result : NumberToTuple<T, [0, ...Result]> type MinusOne<T extends number, Result extends 0[] = NumberToTuple<T>> = Result extends [infer F, ...infer R] ? R['length'] : 0 type GT<T extends number, D extends number, E extends boolean = T extends D ? true : false> = E extends true ? false : T extends D ? true : T extends 0 ? false : GT<MinusOne<T>, D, false> type IsNegative<T extends number> = `${T}` extends `-${infer R extends number}` ? true : false type ABS<T extends number> = `${T}` extends `-${infer R extends number}` ? R : T type Comparator<A extends number, B extends number> = A extends B ? Comparison.Equal : IsNegative<A> extends true ? IsNegative<B> extends true ? Comparator<ABS<B>, ABS<A>> : Comparison.Lower : IsNegative<B> extends true ? Comparison.Greater : GT<A, B> extends true ? Comparison.Greater : Comparison.Lower


Currying is the technique of converting a function that takes multiple arguments into a sequence of functions that each take a single argument.

But in our daily life, currying dynamic arguments is also commonly used, for example, the Function.bind(this, [...params]) API.

declare function DynamicParamsCurrying(fn: any): any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' const curried1 = DynamicParamsCurrying((a: string, b: number, c: boolean) => true) const curried2 = DynamicParamsCurrying((a: string, b: number, c: boolean, d: boolean, e: boolean, f: string, g: boolean) => true) const curried1Return1 = curried1('123')(123)(true) const curried1Return2 = curried1('123', 123)(false) const curried1Return3 = curried1('123', 123, true) const curried2Return1 = curried2('123')(123)(true)(false)(true)('123')(false) const curried2Return2 = curried2('123', 123)(true, false)(true, '123')(false) const curried2Return3 = curried2('123', 123)(true)(false)(true, '123', false) const curried2Return4 = curried2('123', 123, true)(false, true, '123')(false) const curried2Return5 = curried2('123', 123, true)(false)(true)('123')(false) const curried2Return6 = curried2('123', 123, true, false)(true, '123', false) const curried2Return7 = curried2('123', 123, true, false, true)('123', false) const curried2Return8 = curried2('123', 123, true, false, true)('123')(false) const curried2Return9 = curried2('123', 123, true, false, true, '123')(false) const curried2Return10 = curried2('123', 123, true, false, true, '123', false) type cases = [ Expect<Equal< typeof curried1Return1, boolean>>, Expect<Equal< typeof curried1Return2, boolean>>, Expect<Equal< typeof curried1Return3, boolean>>, Expect<Equal< typeof curried2Return1, boolean>>, Expect<Equal< typeof curried2Return2, boolean>>, Expect<Equal< typeof curried2Return3, boolean>>, Expect<Equal< typeof curried2Return4, boolean>>, Expect<Equal< typeof curried2Return5, boolean>>, Expect<Equal< typeof curried2Return6, boolean>>, Expect<Equal< typeof curried2Return7, boolean>>, Expect<Equal< typeof curried2Return8, boolean>>, Expect<Equal< typeof curried2Return9, boolean>>, Expect<Equal< typeof curried2Return10, boolean>>, ]


declare function DynamicParamsCurrying< T extends unknown[], R >(fn: (...args: T) => R): T extends [] ? R : <D extends unknown[]>(...args: D) => T extends [...D, ...infer Rest] ? ReturnType<typeof DynamicParamsCurrying<Rest, R>> : never


Implement a type Sum<A, B> that summing two non-negative integers and returns the sum as a string. Numbers can be specified as a string, number, or bigint.

type Sum<A extends string | number | bigint, B extends string | number | bigint> = string /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<Sum<2, 3>, '5'>>, Expect<Equal<Sum<'13', '21'>, '34'>>, Expect<Equal<Sum<'328', 7>, '335'>>, Expect<Equal<Sum<1_000_000_000_000n, '123'>, '1000000000123'>>, Expect<Equal<Sum<9999, 1>, '10000'>>, Expect<Equal<Sum<4325234, '39532'>, '4364766'>>, Expect<Equal<Sum<728, 0>, '728'>>, Expect<Equal<Sum<'0', 213>, '213'>>, Expect<Equal<Sum<0, '0'>, '0'>>, ]


12345 +67890 ------ =80235


type ParamType = string | number | bigint type NumberToTuple<T extends number, R extends 0[] = []> = R['length'] extends T ? R : NumberToTuple<T, [0, ...R]> /** * Split<12> // [1, 2] * Split<'1'> // [1] */ type Split<S extends ParamType, Result extends number[] = []> = `${S}` extends `${infer F extends number}${infer R}` ? Split<R, [...Result, F]> : Result /** * SingleSum<1, 2> // 3 * SingleSum<4, 8> // 12 */ type SingleSum<T extends number, D extends number> = [...NumberToTuple<T>, ...NumberToTuple<D>]['length'] & number /** * GetRest<[1, 2, 3]> // [1, 2] * GetRest<[1]> // [] */ type GetRest<T> = T extends [...infer R, infer L extends number] ? R : [] type Pop<T> = T extends [...infer R, infer L extends number] ? L : 0 /** * GetDigit<12> // 2 * GetDigit<1> // 1 */ type GetDigit<T extends number> = `${T}` extends `${infer F extends number}${infer R extends number}` ? R : T /** * GetTens<12> // 1 * GetTens<1> // 0 */ type GetTens<T extends number> = `${T}` extends `${infer F extends number}${infer R extends number}` ? F : 0 type ArraySum< A extends number[] = [], B extends number[] = [], C extends number = 0, // 进位 Result extends string = '', AL extends number = Pop<A>, BL extends number = Pop<B> > = A extends [] ? B extends [] ? C extends 0 ? Result : `${C}${Result}` : ArraySum<[], GetRest<B>, GetTens<SingleSum<SingleSum<AL, BL>, C>>, `${GetDigit<SingleSum<SingleSum<AL, BL>, C>>}${Result}`> : B extends [] ? ArraySum<GetRest<A>, [], GetTens<SingleSum<SingleSum<AL, BL>, C>>, `${GetDigit<SingleSum<SingleSum<AL, BL>, C>>}${Result}`> : ArraySum<GetRest<A>, GetRest<B>, GetTens<SingleSum<SingleSum<AL, BL>, C>>, `${GetDigit<SingleSum<SingleSum<AL, BL>, C>>}${Result}`> type Sum< A extends ParamType, B extends ParamType, > = ArraySum<Split<A>, Split<B>>


This challenge continues from 476 - Sum, it is recommended that you finish that one first, and modify your code based on it to start this challenge.

Implement a type Multiply<A, B> that multiplies two non-negative integers and returns their product as a string. Numbers can be specified as string, number, or bigint.

type Multiply<A extends string | number | bigint, B extends string | number | bigint> = string /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<Multiply<2, 3>, '6'>>, Expect<Equal<Multiply<3, '5'>, '15'>>, Expect<Equal<Multiply<'4', 10>, '40'>>, Expect<Equal<Multiply<0, 16>, '0'>>, Expect<Equal<Multiply<'13', '21'>, '273'>>, Expect<Equal<Multiply<'43423', 321543n>, '13962361689'>>, Expect<Equal<Multiply<9999, 1>, '9999'>>, Expect<Equal<Multiply<4325234, '39532'>, '170985150488'>>, Expect<Equal<Multiply<100_000n, '1'>, '100000'>>, Expect<Equal<Multiply<259, 9125385>, '2363474715'>>, Expect<Equal<Multiply<9, 99>, '891'>>, Expect<Equal<Multiply<315, '100'>, '31500'>>, Expect<Equal<Multiply<11n, 13n>, '143'>>, Expect<Equal<Multiply<728, 0>, '0'>>, Expect<Equal<Multiply<'0', 213>, '0'>>, Expect<Equal<Multiply<0, '0'>, '0'>>, ]


type ParamType = string | number | bigint type NumberToTuple<T extends number, R extends 0[] = []> = R['length'] extends T ? R : NumberToTuple<T, [0, ...R]> /** * Split<12> // [1, 2] * Split<'1'> // [1] */ type Split<S extends ParamType, Result extends number[] = []> = `${S}` extends `${infer F extends number}${infer R}` ? Split<R, [...Result, F]> : Result /** * SingleSum<1, 2> // 3 * SingleSum<4, 8> // 12 */ type SingleSum<T extends number, D extends number> = [...NumberToTuple<T>, ...NumberToTuple<D>]['length'] & number /** * GetRest<[1, 2, 3]> // [1, 2] * GetRest<[1]> // [] */ type GetRest<T> = T extends [...infer R, infer L extends number] ? R : [] type Pop<T> = T extends [...infer R, infer L extends number] ? L : 0 /** * GetDigit<12> // 2 * GetDigit<1> // 1 */ type GetDigit<T extends number> = `${T}` extends `${infer F extends number}${infer R extends number}` ? R : T /** * GetTens<12> // 1 * GetTens<1> // 0 */ type GetTens<T extends number> = `${T}` extends `${infer F extends number}${infer R extends number}` ? F : 0 type ArraySum< A extends number[] = [], B extends number[] = [], C extends number = 0, // 4 + 8 => 12 => 1 Result extends string = '', // 4 + 8 => 12 => 2 + Result AL extends number = Pop<A>, BL extends number = Pop<B> > = A extends [] ? B extends [] ? C extends 0 ? Result : `${C}${Result}` : ArraySum<[], GetRest<B>, GetTens<SingleSum<SingleSum<AL, BL>, C>>, `${GetDigit<SingleSum<SingleSum<AL, BL>, C>>}${Result}`> : B extends [] ? ArraySum<GetRest<A>, [], GetTens<SingleSum<SingleSum<AL, BL>, C>>, `${GetDigit<SingleSum<SingleSum<AL, BL>, C>>}${Result}`> : ArraySum<GetRest<A>, GetRest<B>, GetTens<SingleSum<SingleSum<AL, BL>, C>>, `${GetDigit<SingleSum<SingleSum<AL, BL>, C>>}${Result}`> type Sum< A extends ParamType, B extends ParamType, > = ArraySum<Split<A>, Split<B>> type MinusOne<T extends number, Result extends 0[] = NumberToTuple<T>> = Result extends [infer F, ...infer R] ? R['length'] : 0 /** * SingleMultiply<1, 2> // 2 * SingleMultiply<4, 8> // 32 * SingleMultiply<0, 1> // 0 */ type SingleMultiply< T extends number, D extends number, C extends number = D, Result extends unknown[] = [] > = D extends 0 ? 0 : C extends 0 ? Result['length'] & number : SingleMultiply<T, D, MinusOne<C>, [ ...NumberToTuple<T>, ...Result ]> /** * ArrayMul<[3, 2, 1], 1> // '321' * ArrayMul<[1, 2], 2> // '24' */ type ArrayMul< A extends number[], B extends number, C extends number = 0, Result extends string = '', AL extends number = Pop<A> > = A extends [] ? C extends 0 ? Result : `${C}${Result}` : ArrayMul<GetRest<A>, B, GetTens<SingleSum<C, SingleMultiply<AL, B>>>, `${GetDigit<SingleSum<C, SingleMultiply<AL, B>>>}${Result}`> type EachSum<T, Result extends string = ''> = T extends [infer F extends string, ...infer R] ? EachSum<R, Sum<F, Result>> : Result type Multiply< A extends ParamType, B extends ParamType, SA extends number[] = Split<A>, SB extends number[] = Split<B>, Result extends string[] = [], Default extends string = '', SBL extends number = Pop<SB> > = Equal<`${A}`, '0'> extends true ? '0' : Equal<`${B}`, '0'> extends true ? '0' : SB extends [] ? EachSum<Result> : Multiply<never, never, SA, GetRest<SB>, [ArrayMul<SA, SBL, 0, Default>, ...Result], `0${Default}`> // 123 * 321 // 123 * 1 => 123 // 123 * 2 * 10 => 2460 // 123 * 3 * 100 => 36900 // => 123 + 2460 + 36900


Despite the structural typing system in TypeScript, it is sometimes convenient to mark some types with tags, and so that these tags do not interfere with the ability to assign values of these types to each other.

type GetTags<B> = any type Tag<B, T extends string> = any type UnTag<B> = any type HasTag<B, T extends string> = any type HasTags<B, T extends readonly string[]> = any type HasExactTags<B, T extends readonly string[]> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect, IsTrue } from '@type-challenges/utils' /** * Tests of assignable of tagged variables. */ interface I { foo: string } declare let x0: I declare let x1: Tag<I, 'a'> declare let x2: Tag<I, 'b'> declare let x3: Tag<Tag<I, 'a'>, 'b'> declare let x4: Tag<Tag<I, 'b'>, 'a'> declare let x5: Tag<Tag<I, 'c'>, 'a'> declare let x6: Tag<Tag<I, 'c'>, 'b'> declare let x7: UnTag<Tag<Tag<I, 'c'>, 'b'>> x0 = x1 = x0 = x2 = x0 = x3 = x0 = x4 = x0 = x5 = x0 = x6 = x0 = x7 = x0 x1 = x2 = x1 = x3 = x1 = x4 = x1 = x5 = x1 = x6 = x1 = x7 = x1 x2 = x3 = x2 = x4 = x2 = x5 = x2 = x6 = x2 = x6 = x2 x3 = x4 = x4 = x5 = x3 = x6 = x3 = x7 = x3 x4 = x5 = x5 = x6 = x4 = x7 = x4 x5 = x6 = x5 = x7 = x5 x6 = x7 = x6 declare let y0: string declare let y1: Tag<string, 'a'> declare let y2: Tag<string, 'b'> declare let y3: Tag<Tag<string, 'a'>, 'b'> declare let y4: Tag<Tag<string, 'b'>, 'a'> declare let y5: Tag<Tag<string, 'c'>, 'a'> declare let y6: Tag<Tag<string, 'c'>, 'b'> declare let y7: UnTag<Tag<Tag<string, 'c'>, 'b'>> y0 = y1 = y0 = y2 = y0 = y3 = y0 = y4 = y0 = y5 = y0 = y6 = y0 = y7 = y0 y1 = y2 = y1 = y3 = y1 = y4 = y1 = y5 = y1 = y6 = y1 = y7 = y1 y2 = y3 = y2 = y4 = y2 = y5 = y2 = y6 = y2 = y7 = y2 y3 = y4 = y4 = y5 = y3 = y6 = y3 = y7 = y3 y4 = y5 = y5 = y6 = y4 = y7 = y4 y5 = y6 = y5 = y7 = y5 y6 = y7 = y6 // @ts-expect-error x0 = y0 // @ts-expect-error x1 = y1 // @ts-expect-error x2 = y2 // @ts-expect-error x3 = y3 // @ts-expect-error x4 = y4 // @ts-expect-error x5 = y5 // @ts-expect-error x6 = y6 // @ts-expect-error x7 = y7 declare const UNIQUE_SYMBOL: unique symbol type US = typeof UNIQUE_SYMBOL /** * Tests of API (Tag, GetTags, Untag, HasTag, HasTags, HasExactTags). */ type cases = [ /** * Tag. */ IsTrue<Equal<Tag<null, 'foo'>, null>>, IsTrue<Equal<Tag<undefined, 'foo'>, undefined>>, IsTrue<Equal<'x', keyof Tag<{ x: 0 }, 'foo'> & string>>, /** * GetTags. */ IsTrue<Equal<GetTags<null>, []>>, IsTrue<Equal<GetTags<any>, []>>, IsTrue<Equal<GetTags<undefined>, []>>, IsTrue<Equal<GetTags<Tag<any, 'foo'>>, ['foo']>>, IsTrue<Equal<GetTags<Tag<null | 1, 'foo'>>, ['foo']>>, IsTrue<Equal<GetTags<Tag<0, 'foo'> | 1>, []>>, IsTrue<Equal<GetTags<Tag<{}, 'foo'> | Tag<1, 'foo'>>, ['foo']>>, IsTrue<Equal<GetTags<Tag<string, 'foo'>>, ['foo']>>, IsTrue<Equal<GetTags<Tag<never, 'foo'>>, ['foo']>>, IsTrue<Equal<GetTags<Tag<Tag<string, 'foo'>, 'bar'>>, ['foo', 'bar']>>, IsTrue< Equal< GetTags<Tag<Tag<Tag<{}, 'foo'>, 'bar'>, 'baz'>>, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] > >, /** * UnTag. */ IsTrue<Equal<UnTag<null>, null>>, IsTrue<Equal<UnTag<undefined>, undefined>>, IsTrue<Equal<UnTag<Tag<{}, 'foo'>>, {}>>, IsTrue<Equal<UnTag<Tag<Tag<{ x: 0 }, 'foo'>, 'bar'>>, { x: 0 }>>, IsTrue<Equal<keyof UnTag<Tag<Tag<number, 'foo'>, 'bar'>>, keyof number>>, /** * HasTag. */ Expect<Equal<HasTag<null, 'foo'>, false>>, Expect<Equal<HasTag<undefined, 'foo'>, false>>, Expect<Equal<HasTag<Tag<any, 'foo'>, 'foo'>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTag<Tag<1, 'foo'> | {}, 'foo'>, false>>, Expect<Equal<HasTag<Tag<{}, 'foo'>, 'foo'>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTag<Tag<0, 'foo'> | Tag<1, 'foo'>, 'foo'>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTag<Tag<0, 'foo'> | Tag<1, 'bar'>, 'foo'>, false>>, Expect<Equal<HasTag<Tag<Tag<{}, 'foo'>, 'bar'>, 'foo'>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTag<Tag<Tag<symbol, 'bar'>, 'foo'>, 'foo'>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTag<Tag<Tag<{}, 'bar'>, 'baz'>, 'foo'>, false>>, Expect<Equal<HasTag<Tag<true, 'foo'>, 'foo'>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTag<Tag<null, 'foo'>, 'foo'>, false>>, Expect<Equal<HasTag<Tag<Tag<undefined, 'foo'>, 'bar'>, 'bar'>, false>>, Expect<Equal<HasTag<Tag<Tag<false, 'foo'>, 'bar'>, 'foo'>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTag<Tag<Tag<never, 'bar'>, 'foo'>, 'foo'>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTag<Tag<{}, 'foo'>, 'foo'>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTag<Tag<{}, 'foo'>, 'bar'>, false>>, Expect<Equal<HasTag<{}, 'foo'>, false>>, /** * HasTags. */ Expect<Equal<HasTags<null, ['foo']>, false>>, Expect<Equal<HasTags<undefined, ['foo']>, false>>, Expect<Equal<HasTags<Tag<any, 'bar'>, ['foo']>, false>>, Expect<Equal<HasTags<Tag<{}, 'bar'>, ['foo']>, false>>, Expect<Equal<HasTags<Tag<{}, 'foo'>, ['foo']>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTags<Tag<any, 'foo'>, ['foo']>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTags<Tag<{} | undefined, 'foo'>, ['foo']>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTags<Tag<Tag<string, 'foo'>, 'bar'>, ['foo', 'bar']>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTags<Tag<Tag<3n, 'foo'>, 'bar'>, ['foo', 'bar']>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTags<Tag<Tag<{}, 'bar'>, 'foo'>, ['foo', 'bar']>, false>>, Expect<Equal<HasTags<Tag<Tag<Tag<{}, 'baz'>, 'foo'>, 'bar'>, ['foo', 'bar']>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTags<Tag<Tag<Tag<symbol, 'baz'>, 'foo'>, 'bar'>, ['foo', 'bar']>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTags<Tag<Tag<Tag<{}, 'foo'>, 'bar'>, 'baz'>, ['foo', 'bar']>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTags<Tag<Tag<Tag<0, 'foo'>, 'bar'>, 'baz'>, ['foo', 'bar']>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasTags<Tag<Tag<Tag<{}, 'foo'>, 'baz'>, 'bar'>, ['foo', 'bar']>, false>>, Expect<Equal<HasTags<Tag<Tag<unknown, 'foo'>, 'bar'>, ['foo', 'bar']>, true>>, /** * HasExactTags. */ Expect<Equal<HasExactTags<0, []>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasExactTags<null, []>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasExactTags<undefined, []>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasExactTags<Tag<number, 'foo'>, ['foo']>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasExactTags<Tag<any, 'foo'>, ['bar']>, false>>, Expect<Equal<HasExactTags<Tag<Tag<any, 'foo'>, 'bar'>, ['foo', 'bar']>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasExactTags<Tag<'', 'foo'>, ['foo']>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasExactTags<Tag<US, 'foo'>, ['foo']>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasExactTags<Tag<{}, 'foo'>, ['bar']>, false>>, Expect<Equal<HasExactTags<Tag<Tag<Tag<{}, 'foo'>, 'bar'>, 'baz'>, ['foo', 'bar']>, false>>, Expect<Equal<HasExactTags<Tag<Tag<Tag<{}, 'foo'>, 'bar'>, 'baz'>, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']>, true>>, Expect<Equal<HasExactTags<Tag<Tag<void, 'foo'>, 'bar'>, ['foo', 'bar']>, true>>, ]

Inclusive Range

Recursion depth in type system is one of the limitations of TypeScript, the number is around 45.

We need to go deeper. And we could go deeper.

In this challenge, you are given one lower boundary and one higher boundary, by which a range of natural numbers is inclusively sliced. You should develop a technique that enables you to do recursion deeper than the limitation, since both boundary vary from 0 to 200.

Note that when Lower > Higher, output an empty tuple.

type InclusiveRange<Lower extends number, Higher extends number> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<InclusiveRange<200, 1>, []>>, Expect<Equal<InclusiveRange<10, 5>, []>>, Expect<Equal<InclusiveRange<5, 5>, [5]>>, Expect<Equal<InclusiveRange<0, 10>, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]>>, Expect<Equal<InclusiveRange<1, 200>, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200]>>, Expect<Equal<InclusiveRange<22, 146>, [22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146]>>, ]


type NumberToTuple<T extends number, Result extends 0[] = []> = Result['length'] extends T ? Result : NumberToTuple<T, [0, ...Result]> type MinusOne<T extends number, Result extends 0[] = NumberToTuple<T>> = Result extends [infer F, ...infer R] ? R['length'] : 0 type PlusOne<T extends number, Result extends 0[] = NumberToTuple<T>> = [...Result, 0]['length'] & number type GT<A extends number, B extends number> = A extends B ? false : A extends 0 ? false : B extends 0 ? true : GT<MinusOne<A>, MinusOne<B>> type InclusiveRange< Lower extends number, Higher extends number, Result extends number[] = [] > = GT<Lower, Higher> extends true ? Result : InclusiveRange<PlusOne<Lower>, Higher, [...Result, Lower]>


In this challenge, you are required to sort natural number arrays in either ascend order or descent order.

type Sort = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<Sort<[]>, []>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[1]>, [1]>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[2, 1]>, [1, 2]>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[0, 0, 0]>, [0, 0, 0]>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[1, 2, 3]>, [1, 2, 3]>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[3, 2, 1]>, [1, 2, 3]>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[3, 2, 1, 2]>, [1, 2, 2, 3]>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[3, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]>, [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3]>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[2, 4, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 8, 9]>, [2, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9]>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]>, [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2]>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[], true>, []>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[1], true>, [1]>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[2, 1], true>, [2, 1]>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[0, 0, 0], true>, [0, 0, 0]>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[1, 2, 3], true>, [3, 2, 1]>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[3, 2, 1], true>, [3, 2, 1]>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[3, 2, 1, 2], true>, [3, 2, 2, 1]>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[3, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], true>, [3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]>>, Expect<Equal<Sort<[2, 4, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 8, 9], true>, [9, 8, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4, 2]>>,


type NumberToTuple<T extends number, Result extends 0[] = []> = Result['length'] extends T ? Result : NumberToTuple<T, [0, ...Result]> type MinusOne<T extends number, Result extends 0[] = NumberToTuple<T>> = Result extends [infer F, ...infer R] ? R['length'] : 0 type GT<A extends number, B extends number> = A extends B ? false : A extends 0 ? false : B extends 0 ? true : GT<MinusOne<A>, MinusOne<B>> type SingleSort< T extends number, Source extends unknown[] = [], Desc extends boolean = false, Result extends number[] = [] > = Source extends [infer F extends number, ...infer R] ? Equal<T, F> extends true ? [...Result, T, F, ...R] : GT<T, F> extends true ? Desc extends true ? [...Result, T, F, ...R] : SingleSort<T, R, Desc, [...Result, F]> : Desc extends true ? SingleSort<T, R, Desc, [...Result, F]> : [...Result, T, F, ...R] : [...Result, T] type Sort< T extends unknown[], Desc extends boolean = false, Result extends number[] = [] > = T extends [infer F extends number, ...infer R] ? Sort<R, Desc, SingleSort<F, Result, Desc>> : Result


Implement a type Distribute Unions, that turns a type of data structure containing union types into a union of

all possible types of permitted data structures that don’t contain any union. The data structure can be any

combination of objects and tuples on any level of nesting.

type DistributeUnions<T> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ // Already distributed unions should stay the same: Expect<Equal<DistributeUnions<1>, 1>>, Expect<Equal<DistributeUnions<string>, string>>, Expect<Equal<DistributeUnions<1 | 2>, 1 | 2>>, Expect<Equal<DistributeUnions<'b' | { type: 'a' } | [1]>, 'b' | { type: 'a' } | [1]>>, // tuples: Expect<Equal<DistributeUnions<[1 | 2, 3]>, [1, 3] | [2, 3]>>, Expect<Equal<DistributeUnions<[1 | 2, 'a' | 'b']>, [1, 'a'] | [1, 'b'] | [2, 'a'] | [2, 'b']>>, Expect< Equal< DistributeUnions<[1 | 2, 'a' | 'b', false | true]>, | [1, 'a', false] | [1, 'a', true] | [1, 'b', false] | [1, 'b', true] | [2, 'a', false] | [2, 'a', true] | [2, 'b', false] | [2, 'b', true] > >, // objects Expect< Equal< DistributeUnions<{ x: 'a' | 'b'; y: 'c' | 'd' }>, { x: 'a'; y: 'c' } | { x: 'a'; y: 'd' } | { x: 'b'; y: 'c' } | { x: 'b'; y: 'd' } > >, Expect< Equal< DistributeUnions<{ type: 'a'; value: number | string } | { type: 'b'; value: boolean }>, | { type: 'a'; value: string } | { type: 'a'; value: number } | { type: 'b'; value: false } | { type: 'b'; value: true } > >, Expect< Equal< DistributeUnions< | { type: 'a' option: { kind: 'none' } | { kind: 'some'; value: 'x' | 'y' } } | { type: 'b'; msg: string } >, | { type: 'b'; msg: string } | { type: 'a'; option: { kind: 'none' } } | { type: 'a'; option: { kind: 'some'; value: 'x' } } | { type: 'a'; option: { kind: 'some'; value: 'y' } } > >, // mixed structures: Expect< Equal< DistributeUnions<[false | true, { value: 'a' | 'b' }, { x: { y: 2 | 3 } }]>, | [false, { value: 'a' }, { x: { y: 2 } }] | [false, { value: 'a' }, { x: { y: 3 } }] | [false, { value: 'b' }, { x: { y: 2 } }] | [false, { value: 'b' }, { x: { y: 3 } }] | [true, { value: 'a' }, { x: { y: 2 } }] | [true, { value: 'a' }, { x: { y: 3 } }] | [true, { value: 'b' }, { x: { y: 2 } }] | [true, { value: 'b' }, { x: { y: 3 } }] > >, Expect< Equal< DistributeUnions<17 | [10 | { value: 'a' | 'b' }, { x: { y: 2 | 3 } }]>, | 17 | [10, { x: { y: 2 } }] | [10, { x: { y: 3 } }] | [{ value: 'a' }, { x: { y: 2 } }] | [{ value: 'a' }, { x: { y: 3 } }] | [{ value: 'b' }, { x: { y: 2 } }] | [{ value: 'b' }, { x: { y: 3 } }] > >, ]

Assert Array Index(未解决)

Sometimes we want to use the good old for-loop with an index to traverse the array, but in this case TypeScript does not check in any way that we are accessing the elements of the array at its real index (not exceeding the length of the array), and that we are not using an arbitrary number as an index, or index from another array (for nested loops, for traversing matrices or graphs):

const matrix = [ [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], ]; // This example contains no type errors when the noUncheckedIndexedAccess option is off. for (let i = 0; i < matrix.length; i += 1) { const columns: number[] = matrix[i]; for (let j = 0; j < columns.length; j += 1) { const current: number = columns[i]; // oops! i instead of j console.log( current.toFixed(), // TypeError: Cannot read property 'toFixed' of undefined ); } }

You can enable the noUncheckedIndexedAccess option (in tsconfig.json), but then each time you access an array element, you will need to check that this element exists, which is somewhat verbose and inconvenient, especially since in the case of such a for-traversal, we are sure that the index does not exceed the length of the array:

const numbers = [5, 7]; for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i += 1) { const current = numbers[i]; if (current !== undefined) { console.log(current.toFixed()); } }

Write an assert-function assertArrayIndex(array, key) that can be applied to any array (with an arbitrary unique string key, which is needed to distinguish arrays at the type level) to allow access to the elements of this array only by the index obtained from array by the special generic type Index<typeof array> (this functionality requires enabling the noUncheckedIndexedAccess option in tsconfig.json):

const numbers = [5, 7]; assertArrayIndex(numbers, 'numbers'); for (let i = 0 as Index<typeof numbers>; i < numbers.length; i += 1) { console.log(numbers[i].toFixed()); }

When accessing by such an index, it must be guaranteed that an element in the array exists, and when accessing an array by any other indices, there is no such guarantee (the element may not exist):

const matrix = [ [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], ]; assertArrayIndex(matrix, 'rows'); let sum = 0; for (let i = 0 as Index<typeof matrix>; i < matrix.length; i += 1) { const columns: number[] = matrix[i]; // @ts-expect-error: number | undefined in not assignable to number const x: number[] = matrix[0]; assertArrayIndex(columns, 'columns'); for (let j = 0 as Index<typeof columns>; j < columns.length; j += 1) { sum += columns[j]; // @ts-expect-error: number | undefined in not assignable to number const y: number = columns[i]; // @ts-expect-error: number | undefined in not assignable to number const z: number = columns[0]; // @ts-expect-error: number[] | undefined in not assignable to number[] const u: number[] = matrix[j]; } }

The assertArrayIndex function cannot be called on tuples (since the accessing the elements is already well typed in them):

const tuple = [5, 7] as const; // @ts-expect-error assertArrayIndex(tuple, 'tuple');

(Additional design considerations for the proposed API: #925.)

function assertArrayIndex(array: readonly unknown[], key: string) {} type Index<Array> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ const matrix = [ [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], ] assertArrayIndex(matrix, 'rows') let sum = 0 for (let i = 0 as Index<typeof matrix>; i < matrix.length; i += 1) { const columns: number[] = matrix[i] // @ts-expect-error: number | undefined in not assignable to number const x: number[] = matrix[0] assertArrayIndex(columns, 'columns') for (let j = 0 as Index<typeof columns>; j < columns.length; j += 1) { sum += columns[j] // @ts-expect-error: number | undefined in not assignable to number const y: number = columns[i] // @ts-expect-error: number | undefined in not assignable to number const z: number = columns[0] // @ts-expect-error: number[] | undefined in not assignable to number[] const u: number[] = matrix[j] } } const a: string[] = [] assertArrayIndex(a, 'a') for (let p = 0 as Index<typeof a>; p < a.length; p += 1) { const value: string = a[p] // @ts-expect-error: string | undefined is not assignable to string const z: string = a[2] } a.push('qux') // @ts-expect-error: number is not assignable to string a.push(3) for (const value of a) { const other: string = value } const b: number[] = [] assertArrayIndex(b, 'b') for (let p = 0 as Index<typeof a>; p < b.length; p += 1) { // @ts-expect-error: number | undefined is not assignable to string const value: string = b[p] } const c: string[] = [] assertArrayIndex(c, 'c') for (let p = 0; p < c.length; p += 1) { // @ts-expect-error: string | undefined is not assignable to string let value: string = c[p] // @ts-expect-error: string | undefined is not assignable to string value = c[0 as Index<typeof a>] } const d: readonly number[] = [] assertArrayIndex(d, 'd') for (let p = 0 as Index<typeof d>; p < d.length; p += 1) { const value: number = d[p] // @ts-expect-error: only permits reading d[2] = 3 } // @ts-expect-error: push does not exist on readonly d.push(3) const e: [number] = [0] // @ts-expect-error: [number] is not assignable to never assertArrayIndex(e, 'e') const f: readonly [boolean] = [false] // @ts-expect-error: [boolean] is not assignable to never assertArrayIndex(f, 'f') const tuple = [5, 7] as const // @ts-expect-error: readonly [5, 7] is not assignable to never assertArrayIndex(tuple, 'tuple')

JSON Parser(未解决)

You’re required to implement a type-level partly parser to parse JSON string into a object literal type.


  • Numbers and Unicode escape (\uxxxx) in JSON can be ignored. You needn’t to parse them.
type Pure<T> = { [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends object ? Pure<T[P]> : T[P] } type SetProperty<T, K extends PropertyKey, V> = { [P in (keyof T) | K]: P extends K ? V : P extends keyof T ? T[P] : never } type Token = any type ParseResult<T, K extends Token[]> = [T, K] type Tokenize<T extends string, S extends Token[] = []> = Token[] type ParseLiteral<T extends Token[]> = ParseResult<any, T> type Parse<T extends string> = Pure<ParseLiteral<Tokenize<T>>[0]> /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<( Parse<` { "a": "b", "b": false, "c": [true, false, "hello", { "a": "b", "b": false }], "nil": null } `> ), ( { nil: null c: [true, false, 'hello', { a: 'b' b: false }] b: false a: 'b' } )>>, Expect<Equal<Parse<'{}'>, {}>>, Expect<Equal<Parse<'[]'>, []>>, Expect<Equal<Parse<'[1]'>, never>>, Expect<Equal<Parse<'true'>, true>>, Expect<Equal< Parse<'["Hello", true, false, null]'>, ['Hello', true, false, null] >>, Expect<Equal< ( Parse<` { "hello\\r\\n\\b\\f": "world" }`> ), ( { 'hello\r\n\b\f': 'world' } ) >>, Expect<Equal<Parse<'{ 1: "world" }'>, never>>, Expect<Equal<Parse<`{ "hello world": 123 }`>, never>>, ]


Implement the type Subtraction that is - in Javascript by using BuildTuple.

If the minuend is less than the subtrahend, it should be never.

It’s a simple version.

// M => minuend, S => subtrahend type Subtract<M extends number, S extends number> = any /* _____________ Test Cases _____________ */ import type { Equal, Expect } from '@type-challenges/utils' type cases = [ Expect<Equal<Subtract<1, 1>, 0>>, Expect<Equal<Subtract<2, 1>, 1>>, Expect<Equal<Subtract<1, 2>, never>>, // @ts-expect-error Expect<Equal<Subtract<1000, 999>, 1>>, ]


type NumberToTuple<T extends number, Result extends 0[] = []> = Result['length'] extends T ? Result : NumberToTuple<T, [0, ...Result]> type MinusOne<T extends number, Result extends 0[] = NumberToTuple<T>> = Result extends [infer F, ...infer R] ? R['length'] : 0 type GT<A extends number, B extends number> = A extends B ? false : A extends 0 ? false : B extends 0 ? true : GT<MinusOne<A>, MinusOne<B>> type PlusOne<T extends number, Result extends 0[] = NumberToTuple<T>> = [...Result, 0]['length'] & number type Minus<M extends number, N extends number, Result extends number = 0> = M extends N ? Result : Minus<M, PlusOne<N>, PlusOne<Result>> // M => minuend, S => subtrahend type Subtract<M extends number, S extends number> = GT<S, M> extends true ? never : Minus<M, S>